Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Destination: Atlanta, GA

Continuing with our Summer Road Trip 2017 series (read more here and here and here and  here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here), on our way back from Florida to Arizona, we spent a day in Atlanta. Nick and I had to choose between Savannah and Atlanta. After reading about each city, we were sold on Atlanta because of the City Pass: we were able to visit 5 Atlanta attractions for only $75 dollars a piece! This is a steal! Other cities have City Passes (like Seattle and Philadelphia). You typically have a week to use them, but we used ours in one day! We were booking it around, but it can DEFINITELY be done! It was so convenient that all of the attractions are in walking distance of each other.

Here's a peek (and a quick review) about each of the City Pass attractions that we visited!

CNN Studio Tours

This was the attraction I was most jazzed about before the trip (and the tour that we made reservations in advance for). We started our day here, as the studio is farthest away from the rest of the attractions (about an 8-10 minute walk). While I was most jazzed for this experience prior to the tour, this was the most disappointing. The tour is heavily canned, meaning there wasn't a whole lot of pizzaz in what our tour guide was sharing with us. The tour is followed by heavy security, and the locations you are shown within the studio aren't very exciting. It was difficult to see through windows and you had very limited time at each stop. 2/5 stars.

Center for Civil and Human Rights

Amazing! Perhaps this has to do with the fact that I'm a history teacher and I teach the Civil Rights movement or maybe just because this museum is awesome! The museum outlines the whole American Civil Rights movement, with highlights on the Freedom Riders, the March on Washington, and non-violent protest. One of our favorite parts of the museum was an exhibit where you could sit at a lunch counter, put on head phones, and hear people screaming racial slurs and starting to get violent, simulating as if you were part of a sit-in. Could you remain passive and not react? How I wish I could recreate this experience for my students! Or take a field trip!

Upstairs, the museum boasts a display dedicated to modern Civil Rights leaders around the world as well as modern civil rights issues. 4/5 stars

World of Coca-Cola

For my husband, who is a Coca Cola lover, this was heaven. Or, in my husband's own words, "it was fizzy and delicious." The moment you walk in, you are given a free Coke sample (which you are required to finish before you head into a movie theater to watch a short video presentation). You are then taken into "the Vault" where you will supposedly be one of the privileged few to see the secret recipe. Don't get your hopes up. It's still secret :D

Our favorite part of the World of Coke was the taste-testing room, where you could test soda from different continents. Boy, were some of them just plain gross! And boy, were some of them just plain delicious! 3/5 stars

College Football Hall of Fame

SO fun! When you walk, you pick a college that has had a player or coach inducted into the hall of fame. We both chose our Alma Maters (BYU and U-Penn). Then, you are given a ticket that allows you to interact with exhibits through the facility. For example, when you would walk in front of certain screens, they would change to talk about stats or players from your university! So cool! Our favorite interactive display allowed you to film as a sports commentator in front of your home field. We loved the bobbly mascot head (see below). Nick also appreciated that he scored a field goal on the field! 4/5 stars

Georgia Aquarium

This aquarium is the largest in the United States, and holy cow, it is huge! And amazing! We had a blast watching a dolphin show, looking at the marine life, and walking under the sea tunnel. We seriously could have spent hours in just this part of the aquarium alone interacting with this huge sea turtle that kept following us haha 4.5/5 stars

We had a blast in Atlanta, and look forward to returning someday! Oh, and don't worry Savannah, we're coming for you too :p

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