Saturday, March 12, 2016

Destination: San Diego, California

Back in December 2012, BYU played San Diego in the Poinsettia Bowl. The entire BYU Cougar Marching Band got to go along. And since I was a cymbal player in the Cougar Marching Band, that means they took me!!

This trip was a BLAST! Not only did I get to play the cymbals in Qualcomm Stadium aka a NFL Stadium, but I got to see the Pacific Ocean for the first time, go on vacation with my best friends, eat at some GREAT restaurants (including In & Out for the first time). The moment that we arrived in California, I knew that even the air was different--my skin was shiny the whole time :D I also realized that I would be staying in nicer accommodations than I was used to--we stayed in SUCH a nice resort. Problem is I don't remember the name of it--so sorry!

In addition to the beauty of the resort itself, we were a two minute walk from a bay aka the ocean! We were obviously in San Diego to perform at the Bowl Game, so we certainly practiced. But we definitely had a lot of fun. One of the first days we were there, we all got to La Jolla Cove, where the Cougar Drumline played on the beach. Unfortunately, someone forgot the cymbals, so the cymbals didn't actually get to play along, but we LOVED exploring and getting to see the seals and sea lions. Since most of us are LDS, we had the special opportunity to walk around the grounds of the San Diego temple....after we went to Sea World! Do we sound spoiled yet? :D

We also had the opportunity to perform on an aircraft carrier! I don't have any pictures from the performance, but needless to say, it was an incredible experience standing on the deck of an aircraft carrier warming up and then going inside where we were nearly deafened by our own sheer volume! The Bowl Game itself was AMAZING--what incredible energy and our halftime show was medleys James Bond--EPIC! We had the opportunity to explore downtown San Diego before call time, and Christina and I especially loved the Ghiradelli chocolate store :D

Again, can I say how much I love La Jolla/San Diego! San Diego is definitely on my list of places to go back and explore more!

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