Saturday, January 12, 2019


Ladies and gentlemen, I have achieved a new feat: I burned myself on a dishwasher.

You see, the dishwasher in our apartment probably hasn't been cleaned in years. And the black gunk has started to spill out from the filter onto the bottom of our dishwasher. And I've tried numerous ways of cleaning it. On this particular day, I ran the dishwasher on the HOT cycle, the Pots and Pans cycle, and was ready to pounce right when the cycle ended. Before allowing the dry cycle, I opened the door of the dishwasher, saw black gunk on the bottom, grabbed some paper towels to clean it off, and reached in. I came in contact with the left side of the dishwasher and OWWWW! I nailed myself.

Here's the progression of the worst burn of my life below:

What amazes me is the human body! It's been pretty fascinating to watch the regeneration of my skin, growing back healthy and strong. This has also made my heart ache for any burn victims and how painful it must be to regrow the skin on a larger portion, possibly even your entire, body.

We'll see if this injury leaves a scar!

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