Sunday, April 1, 2018

He is Risen! He is Risen! Hippity, Hoppity Easter!

This Easter Sunday was unique because of General Conference. General Conference is held every October and April in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Members from around the world gather through radio, television, and in the Conference Center in Salt Lake City to listen to our living prophet and apostles, just as disciples during the time of Christ would have gathered to listen to Him and his apostles speak. We listen to uplifting messages, as well as uplifting music. It is a wonderful weekend, particularly when it is combined with Easter Sunday.

Immediately when we woke up, I made Nick look at our Easter basket. I was so excited for him to see the ties that I bought him and to see whether he liked them or not. Thankfully, he did :)

Then, we had friends over from our church over to watch the Sunday morning session of Conference. We ate treats (I ate a few too many treats :D) and listened to the inspiring words. The Church has made some pretty significant changes this Conference, and it has been exciting and inspiring to watch the work of the Lord progress.

Between sessions, I made Nick do an Easter egg hunt, searching for 13 eggs hidden around our apartment. He did an excellent job finding all 13. I filmed the whole thing on Instagram stories haha. Additionally, I made him go outside and take Easter pictures. Mainly, I wanted pictures with my beautiful flowers that Nick had given me for Easter. And a picture with my handsome husband to remember our first Easter a a married couple. 

We watched the afternoon session with another dear friend from our ward, made enchiladas for dinner (so Eastery...not), hunkered down in our bedroom where it is about 7 degrees cooler than our living room because our AC went out, and enjoyed the rest of our beautiful Easter!

May we always remember why we celebrate this Easter holiday--because He lives! He lives who once was dead. He lives to quiet all my fears. He lives to wipe away my tears. He lives to calm my troubled heart. I know that my Redeemer lives.

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