Sunday, February 5, 2017

Week 2-Southworth/Peninsula YSA

Well, this week has been great, but long! We have a YSA named Scott that was supposed to get baptized tomorrow, but during sacrament meeting, the ward mission leader got up and announced that his baptismal date got pushed back to July 2nd. We didn't even know about it. It's because of his work schedule, but we're still worried that Satan will get in the way. So...we're going to try to convince him to push it forward. He's solid, and ready to be baptized, it's just the calendar getting in the way
-WE FOUND A FAMILY! Yeah, a mom dad and 2 little kids! We simply knocked on their door one day and she said that she was curious enough to read the Book of Mormon! We went back a week later, she welcomed us in, fed us cake, and said that she had tons of questions. She's had read all of 3 Nephi, had Googled what important scriptures were in teh Book of Mormon, had read all of the Articles of Faith, believed that answers come by faith, not by proving things through the Bible, and she totally believed that Joseph Smith saw the first vision and feels exactly like him. She said that they just can't seem to find a church that meets their needs. The family came to church on Sunday and seemed a bit overwhelmed. I have never cared about anyone SO much before! I want to see this famly be baptized and find eternal salvation. I love them SO much!
-We're teaching Margo, the older RLDS lady. She's progressing, and came to church on SUnday and just radiated with the SPirit. On Sunday, Sister Brown and I had to teach the gospel principles class in the YSA ward and family ward. I've never seen a gos0pel principles manual in my life, but the lessons went really well! I'm SO excited to have people that are actually interested in the church! We're teaching, and hopefully baptisms will follow.
-We also met this man named Ron, who is completely commited to Christ and finds truth in the Bible, but said that if we have more truth, he's willing to accept it :) He's read the BOM D&C and practially every other relgious text out there, and he wants to come to church! We'll work with him this week! This ALL came from walking around and knocking on people's doors, which in Wawshingtoin, means walking up large hills and long dir driveways, all overlooking the water. It's absolutely GORGEOUS!
-Last P-day, we got to ride a ferry across the sound to the other part of my zone. It was SO cool!
-This week, I've been experimenting with my testimony. As I was studying one day, I realized,  that I needed to know if these things were true, or I should probably just go home. So I've been studying it out, and praying for an answer. And I KNOW KNOW KNOW that this is the true church, that we have a living prophet, and that Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon by the power of God. If you don't know that, please pray about it. Your testimony, a pure and sure one, will change your life :)

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